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Author: castroflaviojr

Easiest way to develop on ONOS

I just started interning at the ON.LAB. We are developing the ONOS controller and other things.

The learning curve for ONOS is a bit of a challenge compared to its python competitors. But it has several features that a carrier-grade controller need and make the effort worth. To me, the two most important things are:

  • The Flow-objective abstraction
  • High-availability mechanisms

I’ll talk more about them in another posts.

Today I’ll show you the easiest way to setup your development environment.

cd ~   
git clone   
. ~/onos/tools/dev/bash_profile   
cd onos

This will take a while to finish… While you are waiting check this another post with a series of very explicative videos about ONOS.

After it done do.

ok clean

That’s it the controller is on.

For detailed information check the ONOS from Scratch tutorial

I hope this was helpful

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Introduction to ONOS

I just put together a few screencast from ONOS.

IMO, they are a great way to get you introduced to ONOS. Then, if you think it sounds good, go ahead and look further.

This blog post shows how to setup the ubuntu development environment.

More information can be found in the wiki:

I hope this is helpful!

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List of Graduate Networking Readings

This is a list I want to keep for myself and share with others. Soon I’ll make a compilation of interesting readings on networking on a different post.

Graduate level networking courses don’t usually have textbook, normally come with long reading lists.

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Easiest way to install OpenVswitch and Mininet on Ubuntu 12.04

I’ve been struggling trying to set up the OVS 2.0 with Mininet 2.2 on Ubuntu 12.04.

Apparently the installation script from Mininet is not fully working on Ubuntu 12.04.

What did I do to fix it?

The easiest way to install it is to use the Mininet installation script and then do a small fix.

I did this exactly to install:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y git
git clone git://
cd mininet
git checkout -b 2.2.0 2.2.0
util/ -nf
util/ -V 2.3.0

After this you will some weird errors. It should look like this:

Setting up openvswitch-switch (2.3.0-1) ...
 * Inserting openvswitch module
 * /etc/openvswitch/conf.db does not exist
 * Creating empty database /etc/openvswitch/conf.db
 * Starting ovsdb-server
2015-01-02T00:57:50Z|00002|stream_unix|WARN|/usr/local/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock: connection failed (No such file or directory)
2015-01-02T00:57:50Z|00003|reconnect|WARN|unix:/usr/local/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock: connection attempt failed (No such file or directory)
2015-01-02T00:57:51Z|00004|stream_unix|WARN|/usr/local/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock: connection failed (No such file or directory)

You should interrupt the script now with ctrl+C. Next do this:

cd ~/openvswitch/openvswitch-2.3.0/
sudo -s
ovsdb-tool create /usr/local/etc/openvswitch/conf.db vswitchd/vswitch.ovsschema
ovsdb-server -v --remote=punix:/usr/local/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock \
--remote=db:Open_vSwitch,Open_vSwitch,manager_options \
--private-key=db:Open_vSwitch,SSL,private_key \
--certificate=db:Open_vSwitch,SSL,certificate \
--pidfile --detach --log-file
ovs-vsctl --no-wait init
ovs-vswitchd --pidfile --detach
ovs-vsctl show

This partially solves the problem. Let’s go ahead and test it: sudo mn --test pingall.

If you reboot you are going to have the same error. What you can do is to run this everytime you reboot:

cd ~/openvswitch/openvswitch-2.3.0/
sudo -s
ovsdb-tool convert /usr/local/etc/openvswitch/conf.db vswitchd/vswitch.ovsschema
ovsdb-server -v --remote=punix:/usr/local/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock \
--remote=db:Open_vSwitch,Open_vSwitch,manager_options \
--private-key=db:Open_vSwitch,SSL,private_key \
--certificate=db:Open_vSwitch,SSL,certificate \
--pidfile --detach --log-file
ovs-vsctl --no-wait init
ovs-vswitchd --pidfile --detach
ovs-vsctl show

If you find a best solution or this does not work for you, please report me your issue. I will do my best to help you!


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Setting up OpenVswitch and Mininet 2.2 on Ubuntu 14.04

In this tutorial I’ll briefly describe how to perform a standard installation of Mininet. This tutorial should work on Ubuntu 14.04.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y git
git clone git://
cd mininet
git checkout -b 2.2.0 2.2.0
util/ -nfv

Do -h to explore additional options.


Topology Discovery with Ryu

How can be openflow used to do topology discovery? Why would you want to do that?

You might be interest in doing topology discovery on your topology for multiple reasons such as applying custom forwarding strategies from a centralized global view of the network. You may want something simple like running spanning tree or you may want to run shortest path forwarding. OpenFlow gives you the power to do that or even harder things.

SDN controllers can capitalize on the centralized view of the network and perform all kinds of operations such as pre-computing and installing backup paths.*

In this tutorial I’ll briefly describe the topology discovery module of the RYU controller and guide you through the development of a very naive application to print the information of the network.


Shortest Path forwarding with Openflow on RYU

So, Openflow doesn’t do shortest path forwarding? How can a network architecture NOT do shortest path forwarding? SDN is BS.

Yes, Openflow doesn’t do shortest path forwarding by itself, in fact, it doesn’t do anything by itself. Openflow is a tool that allows you to programmatically control your network devices.

However, it gives you the power to do it. In this post I’ll guide you through the development of a shortest-path forwarding network application using the RYU Controller and Openflow. Hopefully I’ll post a few thoughts on different forwarding schemes and Openflow.

For this tutorial, I’m assuming you are familiar with Openflow, Mininet and RYU. If you are not, go ahead and check this other posts. I’m using RYU, which is an OpenFlow Controller written in python with support to OpenFlow 1.3. To know more about it visit their website

To install RYU you can easily do pip install ryu and BOOM! If it doesn’t work you can try using the Mininet installation script with the -y option.

The network application will be organized in three blocks:

  • topology discovery
  • network view construction
  • forwarding

For the topology discovery we’ll use a RYU module/library called topology. For network view construction we’ll use an awesome python graph library called networkX. For forwarding we’ll use OpenFlow.


Troubleshooting Ofdissector: a Wireshark plugin to analyze OpenFlow 1.3

In this last post, I explained how to install the last version of the OFDissector.

I still had one other problem after installing it.

Whenever I run wireshark as a root user I had this following error:

Lua: Error during loading: [string "/usr/share/wireshark/init.lua"]:45: dofile has been disabled

What happens is that whenever something tries to run LUA code with root permissions, that script is blocked.

What you gotta do to fix that: you have to not run wireshark with root permissions. To do that you might want to still be able to capture traffic from all interfaces, then you should do what is described here:

sudo setcap 'CAP_NET_RAW+eip CAP_NET_ADMIN+eip' /usr/bin/dumpcap

After that you should be able to run Wireshark without any problems.


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OpenDaylight Tutorial – Basic Setup

In this tutorial we will go through basic setup of the OpenDaylight Controller (ODL).

I am supposing that you have already installed the latest version of ODL. If not I suggest you to simply deploy a VM with everything you need.

First, start the controller.

cd controller-sp/opendaylight/
bash -start

Then, be patient.

Initialization was very slow (10 to 15 min) and buggy for me, you can check if everything is fine by doing this:

bash -status

You should get an output like this:

Controller with PID: 2363 -- Running!

If you get anything different like:

Doesn't seem any Controller daemon is currently running, at least no PID file has been found

Then you should try to wait few minutes then check it again. If the problem persists you should stop the controller then try to start it again. If it persists again, try rebooting the system.

bash -stop
Controller with PID: 2363 -- Stopped!

After the controller is running simply create a Mininet topology for it with:

sudo mn --controller=remote,ip= --topo tree,2

After that try to access the OpenDayLight Web Interface by accessing http:// [ODL_IP_ADDRESS]:8080.

Then go back to mininet and ping two hosts then refresh ODL again.

Pretty interesting huh?