Open Source tools can be useful if you need to put something together easily.
I was able to use Nprobe to visualize real time traffic observed via Sflow. Here is how you install it on Ubuntu 16.04.
dpkg -i apt-ntop.debapt-get clean all
apt-get update
apt-get install pfring nprobe ntopng ntopng-data n2disk cento
Nprobe works as a Sflow collector and consumes the data generated by the switches. Nprobe, then, exports the data to Ntop.
To start Nprobe run:
sudo nprobe –collector-port 6343 –zmq “tcp://” -i none -n none
To start Ntop make sure you properly configured:
Then restart the service:
sudo service ntopng restart
Then access, login with admin, admin and you can see something like this:
nice one Flavio