In this tutorial we will go through basic setup of the OpenDaylight Controller (ODL).
I am supposing that you have already installed the latest version of ODL. If not I suggest you to simply deploy a VM with everything you need.
First, start the controller.
cd controller-sp/opendaylight/
bash -start
Then, be patient.
Initialization was very slow (10 to 15 min) and buggy for me, you can check if everything is fine by doing this:
bash -status
You should get an output like this:
Controller with PID: 2363 -- Running!
If you get anything different like:
Doesn't seem any Controller daemon is currently running, at least no PID file has been found
Then you should try to wait few minutes then check it again. If the problem persists you should stop the controller then try to start it again. If it persists again, try rebooting the system.
bash -stop
Controller with PID: 2363 -- Stopped!
After the controller is running simply create a Mininet topology for it with:
sudo mn --controller=remote,ip= --topo tree,2
After that try to access the OpenDayLight Web Interface by accessing http:// [ODL_IP_ADDRESS]:8080.
Then go back to mininet and ping two hosts then refresh ODL again.
Pretty interesting huh?